Laurier Hosts 37th Cold Regions Student Conference, Kicking Off with Engaging Icebreaker Event
Wilfrid Laurier University’s Cold Regions Research Centre (CRRC) successfully hosted the 37th Cold Regions Student Conference (CRRC 2025), bringing together students, researchers, and experts to discuss pressing environmental challenges in cold regions. The highly...
Documentary Film Screening – Signal Fire
On Nov. 5 at 5:30 p.m., join the producers of Signal Fire for a screening and Q&A at Princess Twin Cinemas in Waterloo. This inspiring documentary, co-produced by Laurier Associate Professor Heidi Swanson, brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars to...
Eight Laurier graduate and postdoctoral researchers win prestigious Weston Family Awards in Northern Research
he Weston Family Foundation is honouring eight Wilfrid Laurier University graduate and postdoctoral researchers with 2024 Weston Family Awards in Northern Research. Weston Family Northern Scholars are encouraged to co-design their research with northern communities, with the goal of protecting and restoring biodiversity in Canada.
“The Weston Family Awards are among Canada’s most prestigious student prizes in the natural sciences,” says Jonathan Newman, vice-president: research. “Seeing eight Laurier winners, including six master’s students in a category of just 15 total awards, is an outstanding feat. This is a credit to Laurier’s strong northern research and our faculty supervisors who create exceptional training opportunities in the North.”
Robert McGhee Awardee Calin Lazarescu
Congratulations to Calin Lazarescu for winning the Robert McGhee Award! Calin Lazarescu (he/him), is a PhD candidate in the department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. Calin’s research is focused on strengthening and evaluating...
NSTP Awardees 2024
We are thrilled to announce that 25 Wilfrid Laurier graduate students and research assistants have been awarded the Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) from Polar Knowledge Canada. The NSTP funding is a testament to the importance of supporting emerging...
Native Guardians: Canada’s First Nations Move to Protect Their Lands – Yale E360 –
The Cold Regions Research Centre invites CRRC-affiliated graduate students to apply for an open position to join our Early Career Researcher Leadership Team.
Recent issue of Freshwater Biology
CRRC member Joseph Culp co-led the development of a special issue of Freshwater Biology that is focused on regional and circumpolar assessments of Arctic freshwater biodiversity (Volume 67, Issue 1). The issue was based on the work of the freshwater group of the...
Ken Hewitt’s work in the Central Karakoram noted as highly downloaded earth science paper
Dr. Ken Hewitt's paper The hazardous 2017-2019 surge and river damming by Shispare Glacier, Karakoram was one of the top 100 downloaded earth science papers for Scientific Reports in 2020.
CRRC – Student Supports Fund
In light of this year’s current and ongoing travel restrictions, the CRRC is pleased to announce an expanded CRRC Student Support Fund (CRRC-SSF) in place of our regular travel awards this year. This CRRC-SSF will support a wider variety of activities which directly relate to student and postdoctoral research in cold regions.
42nd Annual Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing
CRRC is proud to be a supporting sponsor of the 42nd Annual Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing to be held in Yellowknife June 21-24, 2021. Please find out more about this exciting event at the conference website
CRRC Seminar Series – Eli Enns
Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs): A New Era of Indigenous-Led Conservation in Canada and Beyond
CRRC Seminar Series – Dr. Nicolas Brunet & Alex Anaviapik
Understanding the Role of Inuit Youth Engagement in Scientific Research and Monitoring in Nunavut
2020-2021 Cold Regions Seminar Series
We are planning an exciting lineup of speakers for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. Stay tuned! We have set the following dates for the seminar series, so please reserve the dates and we’ll post more details soon. DateSpeaker/TopicSept 24, 2020CRRC PhD Research...
Guest Lecture: Dr. Derek Gray, Fri Feb 28th 2pm @ Wilfrid Laurier University — Paul Martin Centre
Guest Lecture: Dr. Adam Shoalts, Wed March 4th 1pm @ Wilfrid Laurier University — Peters Building P327
41st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing: July 13-17, 2020; Yellowknife, NWT