Documentary Film Screening – Signal Fire

In light of this year’s current and ongoing travel restrictions, the CRRC is pleased to announce an expanded CRRC Student Support Fund (CRRC-SSF) in place of our regular travel awards this year. This CRRC-SSF will support a wider variety of activities which directly relate to student and postdoctoral research in cold regions.

Who Can Apply

Laurier-registered undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers engaged in cold regions research and supervised or co-supervised by a CRRC Faculty member.

Eligible Expenses

To obtain such funding for the current year, please see the details below:

  • Travel – research related (travel between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021)
  • Training – online or in-person courses to improve skills and knowledge related to your cold regions research
  • Conference registration fees (i.e., for online conferences)
  • Supplemental travel-related and field research supplies (up to a max of $100)
  • Knowledge mobilization – printing, graphic design, videography, etc. expenses incurred as part of knowledge mobilization for your research
Award amount

Up to $400 for eligible expenses


Application Period: February 19, 2021 to March 28, 2021
Dates for which expenses can be incurred*: January 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021
Applications will be processed starting on March 1, 2021. You will receive a decision on your application after your application is processed. After March 1 awards will be distributed as available funds permit.

*Travel must take place before March 31, 2021. Training or online conference registration must be paid for before March 31, 2021, conference attendance can occur anytime before December 31, 2021.

  1. Be recommended by their supervisor or co-supervisor (i.e. a CRRC faculty member).
    Applications must be accompanied by an email supporting the application, sent to Colin Robertson at with subject heading ATTN: CRRC-SSF
  2. Must submit email application as a word doc attachment with the following three sections clearly described:
  • Expenses for which you are seeking support (type, amount)
  • A few sentences describing how the CRRC-SSF funds will contribute to your cold regions research
  • A statement committing to create and submit a one-page clear-language summary or other knowledge mobilization product of the activity supported by CRRC-SSF

Upon Acceptance: Submit evidence of attendance (i.e. copy of the conference schedule page referencing their presentation or meeting/workshop agenda) no later than 2 weeks upon return. Include student ID in the correspondence.

Payment: Approved CRRC-SSF amounts will be applied to Laurier student accounts providing that all requirements listed above have been met for graduate and undergraduate students. Post-doctoral awards will be administered separately through a cheque requisition/expense form.

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Eight Laurier graduate and postdoctoral researchers win prestigious Weston Family Awards in Northern Research

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“The Weston Family Awards are among Canada’s most prestigious student prizes in the natural sciences,” says Jonathan Newman, vice-president: research. “Seeing eight Laurier winners, including six master’s students in a category of just 15 total awards, is an outstanding feat. This is a credit to Laurier’s strong northern research and our faculty supervisors who create exceptional training opportunities in the North.”